What Does Dental Bonding Help Treat?

Dental bonding is when a tooth-colored resin is applied to one or more of your teeth to help repair damage or other issues. It can also be used to change the shape of a tooth or close the gaps between teeth. Dental bonding is one of the most common dental procedures performed in our office today and for good reason, but what exactly can dental bonding help treat?

Chips and Cracks

Tooth bonding is commonly used to fix chips and cracks in teeth. As long as the chip or crack is minor and does not extend into the root of your tooth, it can be easily fixed with a tooth bonding procedure. We will first mix a composite resin to match the color of your teeth, and apply the resin to your chip or crack. Next, we will harden the resin with a special light to ensure that it bonds to your tooth and can stand up to chewing and biting.

Gaps and Irregular Surfaces

Tooth bonding procedures can also be used to fix gaps and irregular surfaces, and can even be used to lengthen one or more of your teeth to make your bite look and function better. Just as with chips or cracks, we will match a composite resin to the color of your teeth, apply the resin where needed, and then harden it with a special light. The procedure is usually not lengthy and can help your smile in many ways.

If you are thinking of having a tooth bonding procedure to fix an issue with your smile, it is important to be happy with the current color of your teeth. Some people may prefer to whiten their teeth before having a tooth bonding procedure. Please call our professional team today and let us help you get your beautiful, winning smile back to tip-top shape.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health

The health of your body and your mind are closely related to one another. Even though one’s oral health and mental health might seem like two completely different things, they do share a relationship, even if it’s not direct. Those who suffer from mental problems or illnesses also tend to experience poor dental health.

Some of the most common mental health problems that can have a potentially negative effect on an individual’s oral health include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So how exactly do mental health issues impact your oral health?

Here are some oral health issues that those battling with mental health problems experience.


Those suffering from mental health problems or illnesses such as depression or anxiety tend to avoid dental care so much that their oral hygiene is highly neglected. This often results in serious dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.


Most people who suffer from anxiety, especially social anxiety, tend to suffer from some form of dental phobia, which leads people to stop visiting their dentist regularly. This can cause many dental problems as infrequent dental visits can have a huge impact on one’s oral health.

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from conditions such as bulimia tend to experience dental erosion due to the acidity in vomit. Moreover, such people also tend to have low levels of calcium which impacts the health of their teeth.


Certain medications such as pills for depression or anxiety can have some side effects that can affect your oral health. For instance, they can cause dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow.

It is imperative for everyone to realize and acknowledge the connection between mental and oral health. As a carer of someone suffering from any mental health concern, you should motivate them to maintain good dental habits.

If you searching for a dental clinic that understands your concerns and tries to satisfy all your queries, call us at (503)855-0465 or visit us at ComfortCare Dental. Our highly experienced doctors, Kenneth L. Chung, DDS, MPH, Fred A. Bremner, DMD, Periodontics, and Dr. Bermen Wong, DDS can help solve all your dental concerns!

What You Need To Know About Sedation Dentistry

Oral health is an essential component of the well-being of every healthy human, in all age groups it is possible to apply sedation dentistry. Whether for psychological reasons or for a treatment that can be very painful, we have options to ensure your comfort. Depending on the characteristics and needs of our patients, we create the best sedation plan for them. Read on to learn more about this alternative that will provide calm and relief during your dental visit.

What Does Sedation Dentistry Entail?

Sedation dentistry is a process that our professionals use to relax our patients through the use of pharmacology, either before or during a procedure. It is also known as sleep dentistry. Total sedation occurs when our dentists place anesthesia, after ensuring that we comply with the legal guidelines to do so, and our specialized and qualified professionals in anesthesiology will perform this procedure.

Sedation Dentistry Techniques

This type of procedure is safe for all types of patients, from children to adults, since we can adjust the type of sedation to your needs and comorbidities. Our anesthesia dentists have extensive experience in sedation dentistry and do their job with your well-being in mind.

There are several techniques used in sedation dentistry, among which the minimal sedation stands out, where our patient is awake but cannot feel pain, followed by moderate sedation where unconsciousness is slight, our patient can speak but will not remember much of the procedure. In deep sedation, our patient is asleep but can be easily awakened, unlike general anesthesia, where unconsciousness is complete.

Your comfort in your dental treatment is a priority for us, and we will strive to make sure you experience no discomfort during your appointment. To learn more about sedation dentistry and how it can benefit you, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

Why is replacing missing teeth necessary?

Missing teeth are more than simply an aesthetic issue. They can endanger your dental health and harm your livelihood in a variety of ways. Let us look at why it is vital to replace lost teeth:

Restore Your Self-Esteem: Sometimes, missing teeth make you feel ego when you smile. Perhaps missing teeth have had a detrimental impact on your life in other ways as well. If you have missing teeth, it will be much more difficult for you to chew your meal, kiss your significant other, and even talk effectively. Replacing missing teeth can help with all of these concerns.

Prevent opposing teeth from over-erupting: Healthy teeth constantly touch the gums above and below them. When a tooth is gone, the tooth directly above or below it loses contact with the tooth in the adjacent arch with which it is meant to align.

Do you have the time for teeth replacement?

If you believe that dental implants are the best decision for you, you must find time in your calendar to accommodate the procedure. The step-by-step procedure may appear to be lengthy. However, after scheduling a consultation with our dentist, you may devise a personalized treatment plan. This plan will include all of the specifics of having the prosthesis placed in your mouth, as well as a schedule for you to adhere to. If you are ready to get started today, call us now to make an appointment.

Reduce the risk of gum disease: Missing teeth can cause sensitive regions in the mouth that are difficult to clean, floss, and care for. Shifting teeth can also result in tiny, difficult-to-access areas of the mouth that are difficult to floss and clean. Implants provide several merits over other options and are a prominent effective therapy among our patients. After the dental implants have been implanted in your mouth, they are difficult to distinguish from your natural teeth. They do not need the reduction of neighboring teeth, which might be a concern if you choose a bridge alternatively. If you have questions about getting replacement teeth, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Should I Pick Braces or Veneers?

There are many ways in which we can help you improve the appearance of your smile, both for aesthetic and health purposes. The question, however, is which method to use. Here at our office, we offer a variety of restorative and cosmetic treatments so, depending on the current situation of your mouth and the goals you want to achieve, we can pick the one that best suits your case.

Braces Advantages

Braces are flexible metal wires which we place on brackets, small rubber bands that hold the cables in place. Braces are capable of treating problems such as gaps, irregular spaces, and teeth misalignment. Although patients with braces see their desired results in the span of a year, it is still a highly effective and safe orthodontic treatment.

Apart from their functionality, braces are now more customizable than ever, so they can also help with the aesthetics of a patient. It is possible to choose colors for your braces that are different from the traditional silver, as well as ceramic or transparent-looking braces that blend with the teeth.

Veneers Advantages

Dental veneers are a type of thin, tooth-colored porcelain material. These sheets of porcelain are carefully affixed to the front of the natural teeth of a patient. They are a fantastic way to address a variety of physical and cosmetic problems such as gaps, uneven teeth, irregularly shaped teeth, and minor misalignments. They can also hide discoloration caused by medications, root canals, fillings, and even broken or chipped teeth.

In only three visits to our office, veneer patients get the results they want. As they are permanent, you should carefully weigh the benefits of the procedure before deciding to use it. Veneers are resistant to discoloration and you can use them for up to 10 years.

Here at our office, we help you obtain the smile you deserve. Please contact us today to book an appointment with us, so we can determine together whether braces or veneers are the best method for your situation.

How to Combat Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common issue that affects many people. If you’re one of them, this blog post will help you understand why and how to address the problem. For your teeth to stay healthy, it’s important to take care of them by getting regular cleanings and checkups from your dentist. But even if you have an appointment scheduled, dental anxiety can still be overwhelming when sitting in the waiting room or being called back for your procedure. There are a few things you can do before going in to see the dentist that may help alleviate some of those feelings: 

What causes dental anxiety?

Dental anxiety comes about due to a traumatic experience in the past with your dentist or at the clinic where you currently go for cleanings and checkups. Whatever its cause may be, overcoming this fear is possible with the right mindset and preparation.

How to Combat Dental Anxiety?

You can combat dental anxiety by getting informed about the procedures you will undergo beforehand. Knowing what to expect during your next appointment can help put your mind at ease. You may also want to try different coping mechanisms, such as deep breathing exercises or bringing a friend along for moral support before heading in.

Additionally, you can try to relax your body before going in for dental work. One way of doing this is practicing yoga or meditation, which may help reduce stress and anxiety levels through muscle relaxation techniques.

Tips for reducing your risk of developing dental anxiety

You can also reduce your risk of developing dental anxiety by giving yourself time to get comfortable with the idea of going in for a checkup or cleaning. You may even benefit from scheduling multiple appointments that are close together, so you have less time to build up stress about it.

Finally, being aware of why you’re feeling anxious is important when combating fear surrounding dental work. If something doesn’t feel right during an appointment or if there’s some part of the process that makes you uncomfortable, speak up! Your dentist will be able to explain what they’re doing and give you suggestions on how best to alleviate any discomforting feelings before proceeding with further treatment.

The next time you feel anxiety about your dental appointment, come in to visit our practice. We’ll take care of you and make sure that all of your questions are answered before we begin any treatment If there is anything you don’t understand or need clarification on, call us, and we can sort it out!

Conditions A Mouthguard Could Help With

If you are in a contact sport or experience teeth grinding (bruxism), you could benefit from a mouthguard. Most sports stores have a one size fits all mouthguards for sale. While these are generally inexpensive, they can be highly uncomfortable and irritate your gums. If you are looking for a mouthguard to wear consistently throughout the sports season, consider coming to our office for a custom fit mouthguard for sports and sleeping.

How Do Your Teeth and Gums Benefit from Raw Produce

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If you want your teeth and gums to benefit each time you eat, consider eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables every day because of their high nutritional value and cleansing effect. Eating vegetables can be tasty and good for your teeth and gums.

Eat Your Rainbow for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Raw vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals. For instance, leafy greens are rich in calcium, folic acid, and many other vitamins and minerals which benefit your teeth and gums. These nutrients help to build the enamel on your teeth, which will ultimately protect and strengthen your teeth against tooth decay.

Cleanse Your Teeth While You Eat Raw Produce

A natural toothbrush has been invented! Eating carrots helps to clean your teeth. When small carrot chunks are combined with saliva, they act as a natural toothbrush to wash away bacteria and other food debris.

In addition, a natural form of floss has been invented. Celery is probably the closest thing to dental floss you will find in the produce section of the grocery store. The crunchy and fibrous texture of celery cleans your teeth as you eat it.

Lastly, chewing on crunchy raw produce stimulates your salivary glands. The more you chew and crunch, the more saliva you will produce. Once your saliva is moving around in your mouth, it washes away plaque, lowers acidity in your mouth, and cleanses leftover food particles.

Make Your Next Appointment Today

Make an appointment today for your next professional cleaning and dental exam. We will work with you, and any diet you are on, to make sure you are being proactive about your oral health. Feel free to ask us any questions; we want to help you eat right and take care of your body.

Neglecting Your Oral Care at Work Can Do More Than Put Off Your Co-Workers

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You cannot afford to neglect your oral care, as it can lead to more problems than you can suspect. The following information explains why taking care of your teeth and gums is essential to you and for your professional and personal interactions.

Why You Need to Practice Brushing and Flossing Daily

When you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, you can cause more than communication problems with co-workers. Bad breath, an unattractive smile, and the lack of self-confidence that follows can also make it hard for you to communicate with customers or feel good mentally or physically. Taking care of your teeth and gums can make some real-life changes, so brushing and flossing are important to your total well-being.

Getting into a More Positive Frame of Mind

When your teeth look good, you also feel good because everyone responds to you differently. While it may sound shallow, it is hard for people to feel warm toward a co-worker or employee who does not exhibit healthy gums and teeth. How you take care of your teeth can also lead to opinions about your work. Someone who is conscientious about dental care obviously will also pay greater attention to what they do at work in most people’s minds. When this happens, you can accomplish more on the job and in your daily life.

It Only Takes 6 Minutes a Day

To brush your teeth two times a day at 2 minutes per session, and floss for 2 minutes one time, equals a total time of 6 minutes. What other things do you do in that time that are far more destructive? For instance, it takes more time to let a hard candy dissolve in your mouth or even eat a small bag of chips. Why not make better use of your time by brushing and flossing throughout the day?

It also helps to have regular dental checkups and cleanings. Begin today by contacting us and scheduling an appointment for a professional cleaning and exam. We want to help you make the most of your smile. Give us a call and schedule a time for a consultation.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe for Kids?

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Dental X-rays are an essential tool that dentists use to location, identify, and diagnose issues with your child’s teeth. These x-rays deliver a clear picture of a child’s teeth, bones, and other supporting tissues present in the mouth.

Due to the concern of radiation exposure, many parents are concerned with the safety of x-rays for their kids. However, you need to know that dental x-rays are completely safe, and also necessary if you want your child to receive the appropriate dental treatment.

Why Must a Child Get a Dental X-Ray?

Here are a few reasons that your child might require to a get a dental x-ray:

  • To detect problems concerned with the spacing of your child’s jaw

  • To view any bone-related tooth problems or any issues with the roots of a tooth

  • To map out your child’s mouth in case of a tooth extraction or other complex dental procedures

When Should a Child Get Their First Dental X-Ray?

Most kids receive their first dental x-rays when they[[[char:39]]]re almost 6 years old, or once their adult teeth begin to set in. These dental x-rays are taken as a part of regular dental cleanings and checkups to ensure that your child’s teeth are growing in correctly.

Is Radiation Exposure a Concerning Factor When Getting Dental X-Rays?

The amount of radiation exposure that your child receives during a dental x-ray is minimal. Most dental offices typically provide a lead apron for your child to wear during the x-ray to protect their body from radiation. All in all, you don’t need to be concerned about radiation exposure during a dental x-ray.

Regular checkups, dental cleanings, and exams are the ideal way to ensure that your child grows up with healthy and beautiful teeth. To schedule an appointment for yourself or your child, call us today!

Is a Dental Pit Stain Something to Worry About?

A dental pit stain often is mistaken for a cavity. While we should watch the stained pit, it is not something that needs treatment.

How a Dental Pit Stain Develops

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The surface of your teeth, where your bite, may display tiny holes. However, they are nothing serious. They are just part of your tooth[[[char:39]]]s anatomy. However, if they capture stains, your teeth will become discolored. While these minor tooth stains may affect a tooth[[[char:39]]]s appearance, they are not something that represents a serious dental problem.

Preventing Stains

To prevent dental pit stains, it helps to consume foods that do not cause stains, such as dairy foods, leafy green vegetables, fruits, such as pears and apples, or more alkaline versus acidic foods in nature. Acidic foods, such as tomatoes or citrus, can erode the enamel, promoting surface stains and discoloration.

How We Can Treat Dental Pit Stains

If you feel self-conscious about dental pit stains, we can help you prevent them and remove them. You need to speak to us about what whitening agents to use to get rid of the stains. By getting our recommendations, you can avoid using a product that really does not work. Usually, if you opt for a professional dental whitening treatment, you can get rid of these types of stubborn stains. If stains appear on fillings, however, the fillings will need to be replaced. You cannot whiten composite fillings that display surface stains.

If you have a problem with dental pit stains, we are here to help. Call us today for an appointment. Find out how a professional whitening treatment can help you with any problems with dental stains or discolored teeth. We will first need to perform a professional cleaning before we schedule a time for an in-office whitening. Therefore, you can count on us to help you eliminate even the most stubborn tooth stains.

Eating Nuts for Snacks Could Help Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Random assortment of nuts that are healthy for your teeth

Nuts are a delicious snack. Those who taste nuts for a living describe the flavor as sweet and buttery. A handful satisfies most midday appetites. They are crunchy. They are healthy. They are delicious. While not everyone can tolerate eating nuts, their delicious flavor appeals to many people. In fact, in recent years almonds have surpassed peanuts as America’s favorite nut. Did you know that eating nuts for a snack could help keep your teeth healthy?

Nuts Benefit Your Teeth

Nuts are a top choice for a snack. Almost all nuts are low in carbohydrates. Sugar and carbohydrates are the top two offenders in the mouth. Both ingredients can lead to a buildup of plaque, which is the first step in tooth decay. By avoiding sugar and carbohydrates, your teeth are less prone to cavities. Consuming raw foods, like fruits and vegetables, drastically reduces your risk of gum disease. Chewing nuts also reduces your risk of gum disease and nuts also helps to strengthen your teeth. Nuts can even remove bacteria as the texture of the nuts cleanses the surface of your teeth and increases your flow of saliva.

A Healthy Snack

Nuts can be eaten alone or paired with other foods to make a healthy snack. Everyone has their favorite trail mix, but did you think of nuts with steamed vegetables? Try tossing some pecans with steam green beans with a little olive oil and salt. Almonds can decorate the top of any favorite breakfast cereal which will enhance the flavor and texture as well. Walnuts can improve practically any salad. Nuts can even go inside tortillas with meat, cheese, and a vinegar-based dressing.

Call Our Offices

We like to help people keep their teeth healthy. Many lifestyle choices can impact the health of your teeth. While eating nuts may be one way to stay healthy, we would love to discuss other healthy practices at your next routine cleaning and checkup. Give us a call today at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices!

The Effects of Chewing Tobacco on Your Teeth

Smokeless or chewing tobacco is just as bad as smoking, sometimes even worse. Think about it. When you’re smoking, you’re inhaling smoke that simply passes by your teeth and into the lungs. In contrast, when you’re chewing tobacco, there’s much more action as you grind it against your teeth for minutes at a time. Chewing tobacco has serious consequences for your oral health as well as your entire body.

Hand holding chewing tobacco in Milwaukie, OR

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists strongly discourage chewing tobacco and help treat patients with tobacco-related oral conditions.

Short-Term Effects of Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco causes some unique short-term effects such as bad breath, excess saliva production (drooling), receding gums, reddish-brown stained teeth, tooth decay, and patches in the mouth, to name a few. These effects can occur as soon as start this habit. Once it becomes an addiction, these short-term effects can turn into something much worse.

Fortunately, you can stop these effects from developing if you act quickly. For a routine dental exam and clean-up, we recommend visiting our dentists at ComfortCare Dental.

Long-Term Effects of Chewing Tobacco

People strongly addicted to chewing tobacco can cause more serious long-term issues that affect their overall health. These include mouth, tongue, cheek, stomach, throat, and pancreas cancer. Chewing tobacco increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Other long-term effects include tooth and bone loss.

Lastly, stained teeth can lead to psychological effects, such as low self-esteem and depression. The more tobacco you chew, the higher your risk of developing severe oral conditions.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can help reverse some of the short-term and long-term effects of chewing tobacco if you act quickly. To schedule an appointment with us, call us at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices today.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that is performed on an infected tooth. When the pulp of your tooth becomes infected, it will likely need a root canal. The pulp is a soft substance inside your tooth, below the enamel. It contains blood vessels and nerves, which is why an infection in the pulp of your tooth can become quite uncomfortable.

Model of a root canal procedure from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

During a root canal procedure, our team will start by numbing the area. A sheet is placed over the tooth to protect adjacent teeth and to keep the target tooth clean. A small canal is drilled into the enamel of the tooth and the infected pulp is removed. The area is thoroughly cleaned to ensure that all infected material is gone so that it cannot spread to other areas of your oral cavity.

Once this is complete, the canal is filled with a rubber-like material to protect the nerves of your tooth. A temporary crown is then placed over the repaired tooth. You will then need to return in a few weeks when the permanent crown is ready. The temporary crown will be removed, and the permanent crown will be cemented into place.

Why Are Root Canals Performed?

The goal of a root canal is to save your natural tooth and relieve discomfort caused by the infection. When your natural tooth is lost, your gums are susceptible to recession and you can lose bone density underneath the tooth. The adjacent teeth are also more likely to suffer from decay and gum disease.

A root canal allows our professionals to preserve the roots and core of your tooth while also placing a crown over the damaged area. The crown allows you to use the tooth without fear of irritating the nerves of it. If you would like to learn more about root canals, contact our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City today.

Benefits of Wearing a Night Guard

A constantly aching jaw is a tell-tale sign that you grind your teeth. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a pretty common condition in which you grind or clench your teeth unconsciously. Some people do it all day long, while others suffering from night bruxism only do so at night. There are no set reasons for why people develop bruxism, but whatever the reason, maybe it can lead to severe dental and oral health problems.

Thus, doctors recommend wearing a night guard while sleeping. Even though it may be uncomfortable for some, and it will take time to get used to sleeping with the mouthguard at night, it does offer several benefits.

Older woman holding her jaw due to pain from bruxism in need of a night guard from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Benefits of Wearing a Night Guard

  • Prevents Teeth Deterioration — Constant teeth grinding can cause uneven wear and tear of the teeth, leading to severe tooth damage. A night guard acts as a protective barrier between the upper and lower jaw, preventing tooth wear and damage.

If you want to get a customized night guard, visit ComfortCare Dental. We can identify whether you have bruxism or not and devise a proper treatment plan to relieve you of the symptoms and protect your oral and dental health.

Dental Care for People with Dementia

Maintaining good oral health can significantly boost your overall well-being. Regular dental can help to prevent different oral conditions like cavities and infections before they develop. This way, you can avoid pain when chewing, drinking, and communicating. However, people living with dementia are more prone to tooth decay and gum disease primarily because they can’t perform daily activities like others.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can help you or your primary health giver set an oral hygiene routine to keep teeth and gums clean at all times.

Woman caring for an older man with dementia after getting dental care tips from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

The Link Between Sugar and Oral Health in Dementia Patients

A person with dementia can experience an increase in sugar cravings. This leads to excess consumption of sweets, candy, chocolate, and cake, creating a domino effect that leads to tooth decay and several health complications. Instead, people with dementia should opt for tooth-friendly snacks like vegetables, whole-grain bread, fresh fruit, and sugar-free dairy products.

If you’re experiencing toothache as a result of succumbing to your sugar cravings, we recommend visiting our dentists at ComfortCare Dental.

How People with Dementia Can Improve Oral Health

The best way to avoid consuming sugar is by banishing all sugary and unhealthy food from your fridge and pantry. People with dementia should ensure they clean their mouth twice a day. If they’re reluctant or unable to do it themselves, their primary caregiver should help them. Secondly, many people with dementia have dentures. You must ensure that they’re clean and tight at all times.

They might need to form new cleaning habits such as using a soft brush or a different toothpaste. This change in care or routine often confuses people with dementia and makes them uncomfortable. So, they need short and clear instructions to gradually adapt to the change.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can gently guide people with dementia and demonstrate what to do to ensure good oral health. To schedule an appointment with us, call us at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices today.

Treatment for Dental Cavities

Dental cavities are one of the most common dental problems. They can be hard to catch right away and when left untreated, they can cause toothache, infections and even lead to tooth loss.

That’s why it’s so important to schedule regular visits with your dentist so that they may catch any cavities in their early stage when they are still treatable. So, call our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City to book your appointment at ComfortCare Dental.

Here are some of the ways they might treat your dental cavities depending on their severity.

Dentist working on a cavity at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Fluoride Treatment

If the cavity is still in its early stage, your dentist might recommend some fluoride treatment that involves brushing a gel or liquid onto your teeth. This can help reverse the damage done by the cavity and restore your enamel.

Dental Fillings

If the bacteria have started penetrating the teeth and caused damage, your dentist will resort to fillings. They will drill a hole into the teeth to clean out any decay and damaged tissue and then fill it with resin or porcelain to seal the tooth.

Dental Crowns

If the cavity has spread even more and there is decay all over the tooth, your dentist will suggest you get crowns. Again, they will drill and clean out the decay and then fit a crown over your natural tooth to protect and restore its function.

Root Canal

If the decay has reached the root of the tooth, the dentist will have to perform a root canal. This will involve cleaning out the entire root or pulp of the tooth and any other damaged tissue from inside the tooth. Then, they will fill and seal the tooth with a crown.

Tooth Extraction

In case the cavity has caused so much damage that the tooth is beyond saving, your dentist will simply have to go for tooth extraction to remove the decay completely. You can then consider getting a dental implant or bridge for the missing tooth.

Dental cavities can often be quite painful and uncomfortable as well. If your dentist appointment is still a few days away, try brushing your teeth with warm water and avoid hot or cold food for a while to soothe your teeth.