How Do Your Teeth and Gums Benefit from Raw Produce

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If you want your teeth and gums to benefit each time you eat, consider eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables every day because of their high nutritional value and cleansing effect. Eating vegetables can be tasty and good for your teeth and gums.

Eat Your Rainbow for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Raw vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals. For instance, leafy greens are rich in calcium, folic acid, and many other vitamins and minerals which benefit your teeth and gums. These nutrients help to build the enamel on your teeth, which will ultimately protect and strengthen your teeth against tooth decay.

Cleanse Your Teeth While You Eat Raw Produce

A natural toothbrush has been invented! Eating carrots helps to clean your teeth. When small carrot chunks are combined with saliva, they act as a natural toothbrush to wash away bacteria and other food debris.

In addition, a natural form of floss has been invented. Celery is probably the closest thing to dental floss you will find in the produce section of the grocery store. The crunchy and fibrous texture of celery cleans your teeth as you eat it.

Lastly, chewing on crunchy raw produce stimulates your salivary glands. The more you chew and crunch, the more saliva you will produce. Once your saliva is moving around in your mouth, it washes away plaque, lowers acidity in your mouth, and cleanses leftover food particles.

Make Your Next Appointment Today

Make an appointment today for your next professional cleaning and dental exam. We will work with you, and any diet you are on, to make sure you are being proactive about your oral health. Feel free to ask us any questions; we want to help you eat right and take care of your body.