Neglecting Your Oral Care at Work Can Do More Than Put Off Your Co-Workers

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You cannot afford to neglect your oral care, as it can lead to more problems than you can suspect. The following information explains why taking care of your teeth and gums is essential to you and for your professional and personal interactions.

Why You Need to Practice Brushing and Flossing Daily

When you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, you can cause more than communication problems with co-workers. Bad breath, an unattractive smile, and the lack of self-confidence that follows can also make it hard for you to communicate with customers or feel good mentally or physically. Taking care of your teeth and gums can make some real-life changes, so brushing and flossing are important to your total well-being.

Getting into a More Positive Frame of Mind

When your teeth look good, you also feel good because everyone responds to you differently. While it may sound shallow, it is hard for people to feel warm toward a co-worker or employee who does not exhibit healthy gums and teeth. How you take care of your teeth can also lead to opinions about your work. Someone who is conscientious about dental care obviously will also pay greater attention to what they do at work in most people’s minds. When this happens, you can accomplish more on the job and in your daily life.

It Only Takes 6 Minutes a Day

To brush your teeth two times a day at 2 minutes per session, and floss for 2 minutes one time, equals a total time of 6 minutes. What other things do you do in that time that are far more destructive? For instance, it takes more time to let a hard candy dissolve in your mouth or even eat a small bag of chips. Why not make better use of your time by brushing and flossing throughout the day?

It also helps to have regular dental checkups and cleanings. Begin today by contacting us and scheduling an appointment for a professional cleaning and exam. We want to help you make the most of your smile. Give us a call and schedule a time for a consultation.