What You Need To Know About Sedation Dentistry

Oral health is an essential component of the well-being of every healthy human, in all age groups it is possible to apply sedation dentistry. Whether for psychological reasons or for a treatment that can be very painful, we have options to ensure your comfort. Depending on the characteristics and needs of our patients, we create the best sedation plan for them. Read on to learn more about this alternative that will provide calm and relief during your dental visit.

What Does Sedation Dentistry Entail?

Sedation dentistry is a process that our professionals use to relax our patients through the use of pharmacology, either before or during a procedure. It is also known as sleep dentistry. Total sedation occurs when our dentists place anesthesia, after ensuring that we comply with the legal guidelines to do so, and our specialized and qualified professionals in anesthesiology will perform this procedure.

Sedation Dentistry Techniques

This type of procedure is safe for all types of patients, from children to adults, since we can adjust the type of sedation to your needs and comorbidities. Our anesthesia dentists have extensive experience in sedation dentistry and do their job with your well-being in mind.

There are several techniques used in sedation dentistry, among which the minimal sedation stands out, where our patient is awake but cannot feel pain, followed by moderate sedation where unconsciousness is slight, our patient can speak but will not remember much of the procedure. In deep sedation, our patient is asleep but can be easily awakened, unlike general anesthesia, where unconsciousness is complete.

Your comfort in your dental treatment is a priority for us, and we will strive to make sure you experience no discomfort during your appointment. To learn more about sedation dentistry and how it can benefit you, please do not hesitate to contact us today.