What Does Dental Bonding Help Treat?

Dental bonding is when a tooth-colored resin is applied to one or more of your teeth to help repair damage or other issues. It can also be used to change the shape of a tooth or close the gaps between teeth. Dental bonding is one of the most common dental procedures performed in our office today and for good reason, but what exactly can dental bonding help treat?

Chips and Cracks

Tooth bonding is commonly used to fix chips and cracks in teeth. As long as the chip or crack is minor and does not extend into the root of your tooth, it can be easily fixed with a tooth bonding procedure. We will first mix a composite resin to match the color of your teeth, and apply the resin to your chip or crack. Next, we will harden the resin with a special light to ensure that it bonds to your tooth and can stand up to chewing and biting.

Gaps and Irregular Surfaces

Tooth bonding procedures can also be used to fix gaps and irregular surfaces, and can even be used to lengthen one or more of your teeth to make your bite look and function better. Just as with chips or cracks, we will match a composite resin to the color of your teeth, apply the resin where needed, and then harden it with a special light. The procedure is usually not lengthy and can help your smile in many ways.

If you are thinking of having a tooth bonding procedure to fix an issue with your smile, it is important to be happy with the current color of your teeth. Some people may prefer to whiten their teeth before having a tooth bonding procedure. Please call our professional team today and let us help you get your beautiful, winning smile back to tip-top shape.