dental implants

Treatment for Dental Cavities

Dental cavities are one of the most common dental problems. They can be hard to catch right away and when left untreated, they can cause toothache, infections and even lead to tooth loss.

That’s why it’s so important to schedule regular visits with your dentist so that they may catch any cavities in their early stage when they are still treatable. So, call our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City to book your appointment at ComfortCare Dental.

Here are some of the ways they might treat your dental cavities depending on their severity.

Dentist working on a cavity at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Fluoride Treatment

If the cavity is still in its early stage, your dentist might recommend some fluoride treatment that involves brushing a gel or liquid onto your teeth. This can help reverse the damage done by the cavity and restore your enamel.

Dental Fillings

If the bacteria have started penetrating the teeth and caused damage, your dentist will resort to fillings. They will drill a hole into the teeth to clean out any decay and damaged tissue and then fill it with resin or porcelain to seal the tooth.

Dental Crowns

If the cavity has spread even more and there is decay all over the tooth, your dentist will suggest you get crowns. Again, they will drill and clean out the decay and then fit a crown over your natural tooth to protect and restore its function.

Root Canal

If the decay has reached the root of the tooth, the dentist will have to perform a root canal. This will involve cleaning out the entire root or pulp of the tooth and any other damaged tissue from inside the tooth. Then, they will fill and seal the tooth with a crown.

Tooth Extraction

In case the cavity has caused so much damage that the tooth is beyond saving, your dentist will simply have to go for tooth extraction to remove the decay completely. You can then consider getting a dental implant or bridge for the missing tooth.

Dental cavities can often be quite painful and uncomfortable as well. If your dentist appointment is still a few days away, try brushing your teeth with warm water and avoid hot or cold food for a while to soothe your teeth.

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

If you are looking to save a tooth that has been severely damaged, you may be discussing dental crowns with us soon. A dental crown is a cap that is placed on top of a damaged tooth. This cap is tooth-shaped and is used to cover, protect and restore the function and appearance of teeth.

Rendering of dental crowns from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

When is a Dental Crown Needed?

Dental crowns are needed to:

Depending on your specific situation, our doctors will suggest a crown material from the following crown types:

  • Ceramic

  • Porcelain fused to metal

  • Porcelain

  • Metal

Dental Crown Preparation

We conduct a few steps to assess and trim your tooth for a dental crown. Patients who have deep cavities need to have a root canal treatment performed first. In addition, if there isn’t much of the original tooth left above the gum line, we might use a filler material to build a foundation for the dental crown.

Under normal circumstances, getting a crown requires a minimum of two visits. During the first appointment, we might trim your tooth down so that the dental crown can fit comfortably. A dental impression is then taken for the formation of the crown.

A temporary crown is then fitted on the tooth. Lastly, the dental laboratory uses the impression to make the final crown. At your next appointment, our dentist will remove the temporary crown and replace it with the permanent one.

Once the crown is in place, you might experience some sensitivity, which often means that the crown needs further adjustment. Make sure to brush and floss regularly so that your gum line and crown remain healthy and in optimal conditions.

To schedule an appointment with us and benefit from high-quality dental services, contact our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City today!