
One Cup of Tea a Day Could Boost Your Oral Health

Although many people start their day with the ritual of drinking coffee, drinking hot tea in the morning is also a common ritual for many. This latter group may be on to something good when it comes to their oral health. It turns out that both black tea and green tea when drunk in moderation can contribute in positive ways to your oral health.

Cup of tea to improve oral health recommended by the team at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

How Can a Daily Cup of Tea Improve My Oral Health?

Both black tea (the type of tea commonly used for iced tea) and green tea are rich in antioxidants, which offer a host of health benefits. One of the most important functions of antioxidants is their ability to counteract the damage from free radicals in the body. Free radicals are dangerous little atoms or groups of atoms that latch onto healthy atoms and causes what is known as oxidative stress in your body’s cells. Antioxidants fight free radicals by promoting healthy cellular growth in your entire body, including your mouth. This helps keep the soft tissues in your mouth healthy and promotes healthy bone tissue in your jawbone.

In addition, antioxidants are important for fighting oral infections and preventing certain oral cancers. Drinking a cup of black or green tea each day also gives you a healthy dose of specific vitamins and minerals that are important in keeping your teeth strong and your mouth healthy overall. These include iron, calcium, phosphorous, B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K.

Although drinking a cup of green or black tea daily can provide numerous benefits for your oral health, it’s also important to note that drinking too much black tea on a daily basis can stain your teeth. However, one cup daily of either of these teas certainly offers more pros than cons for both your oral health and your overall health. If you would like to learn more about how different foods and beverages impact your oral health, give our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City a call to schedule your next appointment.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334