How to Fix an Open Bite

Open bite is a common type of malocclusion that occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not touch. This oral issue occurs due to various factors such as thumb sucking, missing teeth, injury, and genetics. If left untreated, this condition can cause issues such as weakened tooth enamel, difficulty chewing, tooth decay, and speech problems. In this case, it is vital to consult a dentist if you notice that your upper and lower teeth do not come into contact. The professional may suggest a treatment option based on the complexity of your malocclusions. Below are 3 ways to fix an open bite.

Dental Braces

Braces are the most commonly used orthodontic appliances for fixing an open bite. They come in various options, such as ceramic, metal, and lingual. A dentist may use any of these depending on your preferences and needs. Dental braces are easy to maintain and provide good results. They work by moving the teeth to a new position while fixing the open bite issues.


Invisalign is a good treatment option for those seeking an invisible way to correct an open bite. No one would like to draw attention because of orthodontic appliances. That’s why this treatment option is perfect for adults and teenagers. Invisalign is made of thin clear plastics that are not easy to notice. With this, you can get the smile you always wanted without anyone noticing the appliances. This treatment option is only effective if performed by a professional dentist.

Corrective Jaw Surgery

In severe cases of open bite, a dentist may suggest corrective jaw surgery. This treatment option is also necessary if an open bite results from a misaligned jaw. This involves realigning the jaw for proper teeth movement. In most cases, surgery does not change the position of the teeth. Hence, you may need additional orthodontic treatment. Make an appointment with one of our professionals to find out more about open bites and the available treatment options.