How Does Sugar Affect Your Dental Health?

Sugar does not damage the teeth, but when combined with bacteria, it causes tooth decay. Some kinds of bacteria feed on sugar and they produce acids that erode the enamel of the teeth. The untreated cavities are painful and can eventually lead to tooth loss. Visit us and our dentists will help you identify the best way to deal with sugars and learn how to maintain oral health.

Brushing and Flossing

Once in a while, we find that we are guilty of not brushing or flossing at one point or another. For you to be at par in dental health, it’s recommended to brush and floss at least twice a day. Plaque and tartar affect our teeth. It deposits in between the teeth and mixes with bacteria and, if not removed; causes harm to the teeth and can lead to tooth decay. Flossing is important because it gets to areas between your teeth removing the tartar and plaque.

Avoid sugars

At times, the body feels that it needs to intake sugar. Avoid sweets so that the harm done to your teeth is on the lower side so that you do not have to go through tooth decay or even tooth loss. Talk to the dentist and they will assist you in the identification of sugars that are not harmful to your teeth, especially those in natural foods like fruits. Turn to sugar-free substitutes so that you keep your oral health and the kind of foods you can use are natural yogurt and any sugar-free products.

Make sure that you visit the dentist regularly so that you reduce the negative effects of sugar. The dentist will take you through the effects that sugar will have on your general oral health. Our dentists are ready at all times to offer support and advice to you on the best foods and ways of reducing sugar intake.