Caring for Teeth During the Orthodontic Retention Phase

Once braces come off, the retention phase begins. This period allows your teeth to settle into their new positions. Proper oral care is critical during this time to protect your investment and maintain a gorgeous smile. You can ensure your teeth stay happily in place with diligent hygiene and avoiding bad habits.

The Importance of Retention

After months or years of repositioning, teeth still need time to stabilize. Custom retainers are worn full-time initially, then at night, to hold everything in place. Teeth shift naturally, so this retention phase reinforces the new alignment. Daily dental care keeps gums healthy as spaces close. Retention takes months but is essential for lasting results.

Adjusting Your Oral Hygiene Routine

With braces gone, carefully brushing and flossing all tooth surfaces is easier. But don't slack off! Continue thorough brushing twice daily using proper technique. Floss at least once daily, taking extra care around retainers. Any food trapped increases decay risk. Rinsing with water after eating removes debris. See your dentist regularly to ensure good oral health.

Being Mindful of What You Eat and Drink

Avoid sticky, chewy, crunchy, or hard foods that could loosen or damage retainers. Things like caramel, popcorn, nuts, and hard candies pose risks. Skip sugary sodas, coffees, teas, or juices that promote tooth decay. Stay hydrated with plain water, being careful if using straws. Watching your diet protects your smile.

Breaking Harmful Habits

Clenching, grinding, chewing on ice or pens, or playing with your tongue bar can all affect your teeth's new positioning. Now is the time to curb these habits to help your smile stabilize optimally. Your dentist can offer tips to break cycles that jeopardize your results. With conscious effort, you can retrain your mouth and mind.

Staying diligent through retention means you can smile confidently for years to come, knowing your investment was protected. Your beautiful, healthy smile was worth it!